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FAQ - Results
Updated over 7 months ago

Can I adjust the points table or give teams bonus or minus points?

You can award bonus points or deduct points from a team by selecting the group's name from the Results page. Here, you'll find plus and minus icons to modify the standings accordingly. Alternatively, create a custom team statistic by navigating to General > Group Ranking > Keep track of more points. Set up a new statistic and enable Include points in group ranking. Now, whenever you input a match result, you'll also have the option to incorporate bonus points.

Can I score a match as a walk over / walkover / W.O.?

Currently, we don't have a feature to award a walkover to a team or player if the match was not played. Instead, you'll need to enter a dummy score to signify a loss for the team or player that forfeited, withdrew, or was disqualified. Once the dummy score is saved, you then have the possibility to remove the match from the schedule by dragging it to the Not Planned list.

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